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Born in Wilton, Wiltshire, Martin Oxley is an english painter and draughtsman who trained at The Ruskin School of Fine Art and Drawing, Oxford University and at The Royal Academy Schools, London between 1981 and 1988. Since then he has worked as a self employed artist selling his work to private collectors in Britain and Germany. He has taught drawing at The Ruskin, Oxford, The Prince of Wales`s Institute of Architecture, London, in the Faculty of Architecture, Aachen University (RWTH) and teaches still at the School of Architecture and Interior Design, Detmold ( Detmolder Schule für Architekture und Innenarchitektur - University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe )

I work figuratively because frankly I like so much of what I see around me. For the same reason I draw from what I see a good deal.  Also, because in our virtual age, a good drawing tells of a truth which is seldom to be found elsewhere. I teach drawing to pay the bills and because a few young people then get to possess something they could otherwise acquire for neither love nor money.